I have yet to meet someone who does not wish to have ample energy and radiant health. In addition to diet, lifestyle, and exercise, more people are turning to herbal teas and supplements to boost energy and support endurance. Ayurveda teaches that energy and vitality come from the inside out. There are many ways in which you can nourish your vitality, including herbal tea for energy.

Energy From The Inside Out

Strong digestion, good quality sleep, and health levels of ojas (vitality) are some of the components that lead to ample energy. When it comes to herbal tea for energy, there isn’t one answer or a single recipe. The best herbs for you depend upon your constitution, as well as other factors such as season and climate. In general, though, the category of herbs that Ayurveda calls rasayanas are useful for bolstering and replenishing energy. Rasayanas are rejuvenating herbs that enter the rasa (fluids) of the body and thereby circulate throughout the deeper tissues and organs, bringing energy and nourishment. Many rasayanas are considered adaptogens in Western herbalism.

Notable Herbs for Energy

Here are a few herbs for energy and rejuvenation. All of these herbs mentioned can be made into tea, so you can nourish your body and mind from the inside out with herbal tea for energy.


Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil is a lovely sattvic herb with many uses. It is highly revered in Ayurveda and makes a lovely herbal tea for energy and mental clarity. I like to add a bit of powdered tulsi to my morning chai. Or, tulsi-mint tea with a bit of milk and honey is a wonderful afternoon treat. Tulsi also helps to release grief and stuck emotions in the lungs and can help clear the respiratory tract (1).


Ashwagandha is one of the premier Vata-pacifying herbs. This starchy root not only imparts energy, but also supports healthy sleep cycles and helps the body and mind adapt to stress. Ashwagandha may not make the most exciting herbal tea for energy as a stand-alone, but you can add a pinch of the powder to tulsi tea, hot chocolate, chai, or other beverages to add a rejuvenating boost.


Amla, also known as amalaki, is one of the best rejuvenating herbs for pitta dosha. It is sour and incredibly rich in vitamin C, yet also cooling. In addition, amla is an excellent blood builder. The jam of amla berry forms the base of the nourishing Ayurvedic food, Chyawanprash.


In addition to imparting a lovely flavor and aroma, cinnamon is a warming digestive that promotes circulation. This pleasant aromatic spice is not a rasayana per se, but by supporting digestion and blood flow, it makes a great addition to any herbal tea for energy. This is a particularly good spice for those who run cold, such as Vata types.

Herbal Tea for Energy: Chyawanprash

Perhaps it is clear by now that in Ayurveda there is no single herbal tea for energy. There are many herbs to choose from in making your herbal energy blends. However, if you want to get several nourishing herbs for energy in one spoonful—or one cup—the jam Chyawanprash is a great source of many rejuvenating herbs. Chyawanprash contains amla berry, ashwagandha, tulsi, cinnamon, shatavari, bacopa, and many more highly beneficial adaptogens and herbs that boost energy naturally. Simply add a spoonful or two to hot water to make an easy, tasty herbal tea for energy. Greta Kent-Stoll is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (NAMA), as well as a writer, editor, and Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Her Ayurveda practice is based in Asheville, North Carolina and she is the co-owner of Iyengar Yoga Asheville. References (1) Dass, V. (2013). Ayurvedic Herbology East & West. Lotus Press.
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