Salt makes food taste better; it activates our taste buds to increase sweetness and umami, reduce bitterness, and enhance the overall flavor of ingredients. Salt also affects our health, which is why the best salt for cooking is one that not only elevates the flavor of a dish, but is also free of toxins, rich in minerals, and highly alkaline. Whether you are cooking a quick pasta dinner or a succulent roasted chicken, the right salt can make all the difference in your dish’s final flavor and your health. Here's what to know about the best salts for cooking.

Natural Salt is Superior

Natural salt is by far, superior to table salt for both flavor and health reasons. Table salt, which is the most common form for cooking salt can create a bitter, chemical aftertaste that affects the overall flavor of your meal. In addition, table salt is linked to chronic health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. If you’re looking for high quality salt, always opt for natural variations, like kosher salt, sea salt, Himalayan salt, or better yet, Bamboo salt.

Bamboo Salt is King

Bamboo salt is one of the top cooking salts because it comes from natural sea salt, yet - unlike Kosher salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt - it's free of toxins and highly alkaline. Why does this matter? Toxins are highly detrimental to our health. Table salts, for instance, can contain fluoride, anti-caking chemicals, and aluminum derivatives while sea salts and Himalayan salt often have toxins such as microplastics. Bamboo salt also contains 70+ bioactive minerals which are essential for the production and activation of enzymes and biological activities.

 But perhaps more importantly, minerals help to remove excess Sodium (Na) from our cells, contributing to proper mineral balance within bodily fluids. This is vital for healthy blood pressure management. Another perk of Bamboo salt is that it's highly alkaline (it's pH is 11.1 - 11.5!). Adding salt that's alkalizing to your food will have an alkalizing effect on the meal and your body. Most standard diets are highly acidic and a highly acidic body is associated with numerous diseases. Using a salt with a high pH, like purple bamboo salt, can help counter acidic environments.

Learn more about the incredible health benefits of bamboo salt and how it's unique production process and ancient Korean history makes it unlike any salt on earth.

Umami Sulphur Flavor

But bamboo salt isn't just good for you, it can offer a unique savory sulphur taste (due to its health-boosting sulphur minerals) if you use the purple or amethyst varieties. The sulphur infusion in purple Bamboo Salt 9X enhances the umami experience of your food. Or, for those interested in using bamboo salt for sweeter dishes, you can find a mild to undetectable sulphur taste in grey Bamboo Salt 3X.

Grain Size and Cooking

Smaller grains of salt and salt powders are ideal for baking and seasoning sauces and soups because the salt distributes evenly with other dry ingredients and dissolves easily with wet ones. Powders are also a great option for measuring and controlling the amount of sodium you add to your dish.

Regardless of your choice, using bamboo salt in cooking will enhance both the flavor and nutritional quality of your food.

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