Beyond providing color and flavor, spices are profoundly beneficial to your health. Spices offer a range of health benefits, including boosting and balancing digestion, assisting circulation, reducing inflammation, and providing antioxidant support. Also, spices influence the balance of the Ayurvedic doshas. This post will introduce spices for Vata.

Spices for Vata: Warm and Comforting

In order to understand the best spices for Vata, it may help to first consider the qualities of Vata dosha. Vata dosha is light, dry, cool, rough, and subtle. Therefore, warming spices tend to be helpful for Vata dosha. Also, cinnamon and licorice, which are sweet, are helpful spices for Vata since the sweet taste consists of earth and water. Earth and water balance the light, dry, cool qualities of Vata dosha. In addition, Vata types tend to experience bloating and variable digestion, so carminative spices such as cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, and small amounts of black pepper are helpful. Also, the light, mobile, airy aspects of Vata dosha can make these types susceptible to feelings of insecurity. Therefore, warming, comforting spices such as star anise tend to be pleasant and balancing spices for Vata. Let’s take a closer look at a few favorite spices for Vata!


The smell of cinnamon tends to evoke a sense of warmth and comfort. This sweet, pungent spice assists with healthy circulation and digestion. It assists in the absorption of nutrients and has a calming, sattvic energy that pacifies Vata dosha (Dass, 2013). Use this spice for Vata on stewed or baked apples with ghruta ghee, sprinkled in hot cocoa, and as a key ingredient in masala chai. Cinnamon is also an ingredient in Chyawanprash. There are numerous ways to enjoy cinnamon, and these are just a few ideas for starters!


Ginger is easily one of the most versatile and broadly applicable spices for Vata. Revered in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, this warming spice supports agni (digestive fire), aids circulation, calms nausea, and is an effective anti-inflammatory. The warming, sweet qualities of fresh ginger in particular make this a powerful spice for Vata. Ginger is a key ingredient in masala chai and many savory Ayurvedic dishes. Add fresh or dried ginger to kitchari, curries, and stir-fry vegetables. Ginger is also an ingredient in Chyawanprash.


Cardamom is not as hot as ginger. However, it is gently warming and is considered refreshing and sattvic. This aromatic, tasty spice is a good choice for Vata for many reasons: it gently stimulates agni and soothes bloating and indigestion (Dass, 2013). Cardamom also helps with the digestion of heavy, dairy foods such as milk and ice cream. Oftentimes, those with a Vata constitution have variable or delicate digestion, so carminatives such as cardamom should definitely be included in spices for Vata.

Spice Is More Than Nice

This is just an introduction to spices for Vata. In fact, most spices are helpful for Vata dosha, with the exception of very hot spices. Overall, when it comes to spices for Vata, warming, comforting, sweet spices are good choices.


Dass, V. (2013). Ayurvedic Herbology: East & West. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press.

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