It’s widely known that meditation helps bring peace and clarity into one’s life. Meditation helps us discover and cultivate our inner strength, clarity, and resilience, making it an essential ally in leading a healthy life. However, you may be wondering, when is the best time to meditate? Whether you are a beginner or are seasoned in the art of meditation, this article will help you uncover the best time to meditate based on your personal needs and ancient wisdom.

When is the best time to meditate?

It’s true to say that there is no wrong time to meditate. Depending on your lifestyle and routine, you may find yourself practicing 10-minutes before work, during your lunch break, or right before you go to bed. Whether it’s morning, noon, or night, meditation can be a helpful tool. All that truly matters is that you're actually taking the time to practice meditation so you can reap the many benefits of reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing self-awareness, promoting emotional balance, and improving sleep. Although there is no wrong time to meditate, ayurveda provides instruction for how you can optimize your meditation time and associated benefits. According to ayurveda, the ideal time to meditate is between 4am to 6am or right when you wake up. This time is recommended because it is during the vata time of the day, when the energy is light and etheric, making you more open to the spiritual realm. Furthermore, meditating in the morning can be beneficial because there are fewer distractions. When you first wake, your mind is free from the thoughts, to do lists, and stressors that often build during the day. This makes it easier to transition into a meditative experience. In addition, morning meditation helps boost and strengthen your mental state for the day ahead. Meditating early allows you to cultivate a sense of focus and peace that increases your productivity and acts as a barrier to the stress you may experience throughout the day. That said, when you meditate is up to your personal preference and what makes the most sense for your schedule. You may also consider the times of day you tend to feel the most stressed and whether you can fit in a meditation session? Once you know the time of day that works best for you, try practicing at that time everyday.

Tips on Creating a Successful Meditation Practice

It’s important to be consistent with forming a new habit to make meditation part of your daily routine. Create a solid foundation for your new meditation practice by following these tips.

Designate a meditation space

Create a space that is your meditation zone. This space can be a designated nook, a cushion near your altar, or a specific chair in your home. It doesn’t matter where it is, but assign a quiet place for your meditation practice. The habit of returning to the same place to practice will further reiterate to your mind and body where and when is the best time to meditate for you. If you're looking to decorate you or a friends space, discover these gift ideas for a meditation room to inspire peace.

Slow and steady

Similarly, it takes time with any new habit or practice, and things will get easier the more you do it. Don’t stress if you cannot find 20-minutes to meditate in the morning. Focus on finding 3-minutes instead. If it takes a couple of days to figure out your designated meditation space and meditation time, that is OK.

Try a meditation app

A meditation app may be a helpful tool in helping you begin or deepen your practice. By having a guide, you may be more inclined to carve out the time to meditate because it takes a little bit of the pressure off. Following a meditation app can also help create the habit by having something to return to.

Be flexible

Flexibility is another crucial component when carving out a time to meditate. Some days may look different than others, and depending on your schedule, you may have to adjust your meditation time and space when need be. When your schedule does stray from it’s routine, try not to skip your meditation practice altogether. Perhaps you shorten the time or even bring your meditation practice into another activity like washing the dishes or walking.

Consider taking Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash is an ancient Ayurvedic jam that can help amplify the meditation experience. Containing over 30 health boosting herbs and spices, including nootropic and adaptogenic botanicals, this superfood supplement enhances clarity, focus, and the body-mind-spirit connection. Discover how Chyawanprash can take your meditation to the next level. Clare Michalik, Ayurvedic Practitioner @clareminded
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