Invigorate with Sun Salutations
If you are younger or fitter with no injuries or issues with your wrists or shoulders, you may wish to begin your day with Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar); this is a vigorous practice designed to wake you up, get the blood moving, and invigorate your entire body.- Moving through the postures more slowly builds self awareness and physical strength and can feel more like a weight training routine.
- Moving more quickly can increase the cardiorespiratory challenge and feel more “aerobic”.
- If you have experience with commercial styles of Vinyasa or Flow yoga, you can further occupy your mind by adding variations to the basic Salutation. A sense of play can be not only entertaining but your explorations will keep your practice feeling fresh. When increased, the Kapha Dosha can create feelings of sluggishness or stuckness which increased movement can help alleviate.
Practice Balancing
Learning to balance is an important skill to emphasize in the spring season. Just as emerging plants are sending down strong roots to support the rising up of the stalks, we must learn to root our feet downward to support the rising up of our posture and become sensitive to the subtle movements in our deep core musculature in our trunks. Better balance helps us to also balance our emotions and remain more stable in the strong winds of change. Simple balancing postures can be two legged standing postures which are held for a period of time, where we can become attentive to how well we can equalize the pressure between our feet: we may notice a tendency to shift our weight more to one foot, stand more in the heels or in the toes, roll more to the inside or the outside of the feet. These subtle differences affect activation of other muscles in the legs and truck, and misalignments in the feet can eventually result in structural and functional changes elsewhere in the body that can predispose us to injury.![Yoga feet balancing](
Triangle Poses
![yoga triangle pose](
Side Angle Poses
![Side Angle Yoga Pose](
Wide Legged Forward Bends
![yoga wide legged forward fold](
Tree Poses
![Yoga Tree Pose](