Microplastics have been a growing concern in the health community for quite some time. And while their impact on human health is still being studied, more research is emerging about the presence of microplastics in our air, water, soil, food, and food products, including salt. So, is there such a thing as salt without microplastics?

First, What Are Microplastics?

Microplastics are tiny particles of plastic that are created when bigger pieces of plastic break down. While we do not yet know exactly how microplastics affect our health, they can enter our gut and pass throughout the body, potentially leading to toxicity, cellular degradation, and a host of other symptoms. Specifically, they have been linked to inflammation in the body and are thought to contribute to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

While the harms of microplastics are still being researched, we do know that reducing our exposure is a key step to protecting our health and the health of our planet. Fortunately, there are easy changes we can make that can reduce the amount of microplastics we consume, including choosing to buy high-quality salts that are not contaminated and minimizing our use of plastics.

Microplastics in Salt

Researchers have discovered that microplastics are present in many types of salt, including common table salt and sea salt. In fact, one review found that 94% of table salt products tested worldwide contained microplastics.

However, not all types of salt have the same amount of microplastics. For example, another study found that there are fewer microplastics in sea salt than terrestrial salt (like black salt and Himalayan pink salt).

If you’re concerned about the potential effects of microplastics on your health, this research is probably a bit worrying. So, what are your options? Can you find low-microplastic sea salt or salt without microplastic particles? Fortunately, yes — and it’s called bamboo salt.

Bamboo Salt: A Microplastic-Free Salt

Bamboo salt, also known as Korean bamboo salt or Jugyeom, is a natural, healthy, and high-quality salt that’s hand-harvested from the South Korean coast. Not only does it contain 70+ bioactive minerals (including potassium, calcium, iron, and zinc), but it’s also free from toxins, heavy metals, and microplastics. 

You might be wondering: If other types of sea salt contain microplastics, how is bamboo salt a microplastic-free salt? The answer lies in how bamboo salt is made, which honors thousand-year-old roasting traditions.

After being collected from the sea, the salt is dried in the sun. Then, it’s placed in bamboo pillars and sealed with red clay. Next, the bamboo pillars are roasted over a pinewood fire at 1472°F for up to 15 hours. When roasted at this heat, the harmful compounds within the salt (including microplastics and heavy metals) evaporate and are removed.

Where to Find Microplastic-Free Sea Salt

You can find microplastic-free salt products, including Bamboo Salt 9X Purple Crystal and Radiance Salt Tea, at PIOR Living's online shop.
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