Chyawanprash is not only immensely beneficial; it is also a tasty classical Ayurvedic formula that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is no secret that many children today experience seasonal allergies and food sensitivities. Also, coughs and colds are common and spread rampantly in group settings. If you are looking for a tasty Ayurvedic support to bolster your child’s immune system and overall wellbeing, you may want to consider Chyawanprash. Read on to learn about the Chyawanprash benefits for kids.
Chyawanprash: Time-Tested Ayurvedic Wisdom
Though there is some variation from one Chyawanprash formulation to the next, this revered herbal jam has been around in some form for centuries. In fact, it is referenced in the Charaka Samhita, a classical Ayurvedic text that dates back millennia. This special jam is known for its ability to restore youth, support the lungs and respiratory tract, and as an overall rasayana. In fact, the lore around Chyawanprash is that it was originally created for an old sage so that he could maintain his youth and vigor for his wife (1). Reach for Chyawanprash on a daily basis for overall rejuvenation, immune system boosting, and to support longevity.
Chyawanprash Benefits For Kids
Of course, kids don’t need their youth restored. They have sprightliness in spades! However, many kids do need immune system support and safe-guarding against coughs, colds, and seasonal allergies. These are among the Chyawanprash benefits for kids.
Scientific Support
Ayurvedic practitioners have recommended Chyawanprash for people of all ages for centuries. Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support the benefits of Chyawanprash, including for kids! A 6 month long, randomized clinical study compared a group of 627 children ages 5-12. One group of children consumed 6 grams of Chyawanprash daily, followed by a glass of milk. The other group had two glasses of milk and no Chyawanprash. Both groups ate their normal diet and carried on with their other normal routines and activities (2). Researchers analyzed the outcomes based on the frequency and seriousness of illness and allergy symptoms, as well as the number of school days missed due to illness. Also, parents tracked overall energy levels, stamina, and quality of life of their children. The results are promising in terms of Chyawanprash benefits for kids! (Here, "CP" refers to Chyawanprash). “Results of immunity (episodes of infections or allergy related conditions) showed more than 2 times protection from immunity related illness in CP Group as compared to the control. CP also showed better percentage improvement in energy levels, physical fitness, strength, stamina and quality of life.” (2)
Chyawanprash For All Ages
Chyawanprash is a time-tested classical Ayurvedic formula with many usages and benefits. A daily dose of Chyawanprash can benefit the old, the young, and the middle-aged alike! Find out the best way to take Chyawanprash and dosage recommendations by age group.
Greta Kent-Stoll is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (NAMA), as well as a writer, editor, and Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Her Ayurveda practice is based in Asheville, North Carolina and she is the co-owner of Iyengar Yoga Asheville.
(1) Banyan Botanicals (2022). Chyawanprash Health Benefits: Ayurvedic Herbs. Retrieved from (2) Gupta, A., Kumar, S. Dole, S., Deshpande, S. Deshpande, V., Singh, S., & Sasibhushan, V. (2017). Evaluation of Cyavanaprāśa on Health and Immunity related Parameters in Healthy Children: A Two Arm, Randomized, Open Labeled, Prospective, Multicenter, Clinical Study. Ancient Science of Life.