According to ayurveda, ama is a toxic substance that results from an impaired agni or poor digestion. The accumulation of ama can severely impact one’s health, which is why it's important to cleanse ama from the body regularly. This article will explain what ama is and general techniques on how to support ayurveda ama cleansing.

What is Ama?

Ama is essentially the result of poor digestion or agni. In Sanskrit, ama translates to “raw,” “uncooked,” “unripe,” or “undigested.” It is unprocessed waste that, rather than being disposed of through proper digestion, begins to circulate around the channels. It is a toxic material that adds to the disease process.

Ama can form from having a poor digestive fire, eating food too quickly, overeating, eating too late at night, eating incompatible food combinations, eating poorly prepared food, or unresolved emotions, to name a few.

Ama is cold, dull, damp, heavy, oily, thick and tends to clog and ferment. It can line the intestinal tract meaning there is no proper absorption, and it contributes to the suppression of the digestive fire – agni. 

To identify ama in your body, look for these general signs and symptoms:

  • Thick coating on the tongue
  • Constipation or irregular bowel movements
  • Fatigue
  • Heaviness
  • Clogged channels; sinus congestion, constipation, stagnant lymph
  • Indigestion
  • Mental fog, dizziness, clouded judgment
  • Abnormal taste

Three Types of Ama

It can help understand what type of ama you may be experiencing, so you have a better idea of targeting it.

Sama Vata

Sama vata is ama related to vata dosha. This will show up as obstruction in the channels, pain in body, indigestion, drowsiness, constipation, gas, bloating, lack of appetite or taste, and disinterest in life.

Sama Pitta

Sama pitta is ama related to pitta dosha. This ama can be identified through pitta-type symptoms such as foul smells, acid eructation, burning sensations, or green or yellow coloring.

Sama Kapha

Sama kapha is ama related to kapha dosha. This type of ama is seen through kapha-type imbalance symptoms such as obstructed channels, heaviness, sluggish digestion, or no appetite.

Ama Cleansing Therapies

If you are experiencing chronically stored ama, you're likely in need of an Ayurvedic cleanse. An ayurvedic cleanse works through a 3-part system to loosen excess doshas and ama from deep tissues and move them into the digestive tract to eliminate. For specific details on how to implement a cleanse, read our Ayurvedic Cleansing Guide and 7 Day Ayurvedic Cleanse.

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