Radiant health and beauty are certainly more than skin deep. Beyond providing protection and serving as our first line of defense, the skin is a reflection of what’s going in inside. Healthy skin and a glowing complexion indicate good moisture balance, healthy circulation, well-functioning channels of elimination, and of course digestive balance. Since ghee nourishes the rasa and supports agni (digestive fire) there are many benefits for your skin. This post will explore ghee for skin—how this nourishing food can support skin health and beauty from the inside out and when applied externally.

Ghee for Skin and Healthy Rasa

Ayurveda organizes human physiology into seven dhatus, or layers of tissue. The most external layer is the rasa dhatu, or fluids of the body. Though this layer is superficial, it is important and all-pervasive. Fluids such as lymph, plasma, and mucus protect, encase, and nourish the various other organs and tissues. Therefore, keeping adequate and healthy rasa has an effect on all the other deeper layers of physiology. In addition, when the rasa is adequate, the other layers will be nourished. If the rasa is inadequate or excessive, the deeper tissue layers will be negatively impacted.

Ghee is Moisturizing

Ayurveda teaches that one of the ways in which to build and maintain healthy rasa, or fluids, is the intake of good quality fats. Ghee and ghruta are prime examples. Ghee is tridoshic, meaning it is suitable for all three doshas, it is easy to digest, and it supports healthy moisture levels in the skin and other tissues. This is especially important for those who run dry, such as Vata types. In addition, if you live in a dry climate or experience dry, chapped skin and lips in the winter, ghee is a friend to your skin and your whole body.

Ghee is Nourishing

In addition to nourishing your skin by providing moisture, ghee and ghruta offer other nutritional benefits. PIOR Living’s ghruta offers digestible, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, including Omega 3s, as well as trace minerals. Furthermore, Ayurveda considers ghee to be a brain tonic and a key food for building ojas (vitality). When the body is well nourished, your organs, including your skin can perform their best.

How To Enjoy Ghee for Skin

Cooking with ghee and eating ghee are great ways to put ghee to use for your skin. In addition, you can even use ghee externally on your skin as a massage oil for abhyanga—or apply it to especially dry skin patches as a spot moisturizer. You may discover that some Ayurvedic massage oils and moisturizers contain a blend of ghee and other oils, such as coconut, sesame, or shea butter. A dap of ghee on the lips can soothe chapped, dry lips, and no harm if you swallow some! Consider ghee for skin, internally and externally. Eating ghee helps build healthy fluids, moisture, and necessary fat tissue. Applying ghee topically provides added external moisture and protection.

Greta Kent-Stoll is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (NAMA), as well as a writer, editor, and Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Her Ayurveda practice is based in Asheville, North Carolina and she is the co-owner of Iyengar Yoga Asheville.

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