Essential Facts about Ashwagandha
Names- Botanical: Withania Somnifera Dunal
- Sanskrit: Ashwagandha (ashva meaning 'horse' and gandha meaning 'smell' because of its "horse-like" aroma)
- Hindi: Asgandh, Asgandha
- Other names: Winter Cherry, Indian Ginsing, Strength of 10 Horses
- Rasa (taste): Tikta (Bitter); Katu (Pungent); Madhura (Sweet)
- Guna (qualities): Laghu (Light); Snigdha (Unctuous)
- Virya (action): Ushna (Warm)
- Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Madhura (Sweet)
- Dosha (constitution): Pacifies Kapha and Vata Doshas