Essential Facts about Shatavari
Names- Botanical: Asparagus racemosus
- Sanskrit: Shatavari
- Hindi: Shatavari
- English: Indian Asparagus, Hundred Roots , Asparagus roots
- Other: Due to the number of benefits it has for the reproductive system - particularly for females - it’s also known as "she who has 100 husbands" or "100 Spouses" as well as "Queen of Herbs" for its ability to promote love and devotion.
- Rasa (taste): Sweet, bitter
- Guna (qualities): Heavy, oily
- Virya (action): Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Sweet
- Dosha (constitution): Pacifies pitta and vata, aggravates kapha (an adaptogen like ashwagandha root may be better for kaphas)