White Turmeric Health Benefits
Addressing Respiratory Issues
White turmeric helps to manage excess Kapha dosha. This is important because when Kapha dosha is excessively high in a person, they may experience a buildup of mucus. Sluggishness, blocked sinuses, lethargy, and water retention are also signs of a Kapha imbalance. White turmeric helps reduce excess phlegm, guarding against the respiratory problems associated with too much Kapha. Therefore, white turmeric may be helpful for colds, asthma, and cough.Reducing Pain
Just like yellow turmeric, white turmeric has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, Ayurvedic practitioners commonly suggest turmeric for easing aches and pains associated with inflammation. This can include muscle and joint pain and inflammation. Furthermore, turmeric may be helpful for clearing inflamed skin, as in the case of acne.Improving Digestion
Ayurveda teaches that strong digestion is foundational to good health. When digestion becomes sluggish due to excess Kapha dosha, turmeric can be helpful in balancing such digestion problems. Indications for the use of turmeric include indigestion, poor appetite, flatulence, loss of taste, irregular bowel movements, and worms.Detoxification
Ayurvedic herbal compounds that feature white turmeric often help to remove metabolic wastes by balancing both Kapha and Vata doshas. Due to the realities of modern living, people are exposed to toxins on a regular basis—through the air, water, food, and soils. Therefore, it is a good idea to cook with turmeric and to incorporate it into herbal compounds. Additionally, turmeric's detoxifying properties help to remove impurities from the blood by supporting overall liver function.Preventing Cancer
Research indicates white turmeric may help to guard against the development of certain cancers, and can even fight cancer cells. This is yet another reason to incorporate turmeric into your daily diet! These are just a few reasons why white turmeric has long played a role in Ayurvedic herbalism and cuisine. Furthermore, white turmeric is included in many ancient, well-loved rasayanas and remedies, Chyawanprash being one of them.White Turmeric Essential Facts
Names- Botanical: Curcuma zedoaria
- Sanskrit: Shati, kachur
- Hindi: Karchur
- English: White turmeric
- Other: Amba haldi, Zedoary (which comes from Arabic and Farsi; in those languages, it is called jadwaar or zedwar)
- Rasa (taste): Pungent, bitter
- Guna (qualities): Light, dry
- Virya (action): Warming
- Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Pungent
- Dosha (constitution): Balances all three doshas: Vata, Kapha and Pitta