How to Balance Pitta
If you’ve been feeling the symptoms of a Pitta imbalance, you're probably interested in learning more about the Pitta dosha and how to restore balance. Here’s how to get started. How to...
How to Balance Pitta
If you’ve been feeling the symptoms of a Pitta imbalance, you're probably interested in learning more about the Pitta dosha and how to restore balance. Here’s how to get started. How to...

Pitta Recipes
Pitta Recipes Ayurveda teaches that tuning into the seasons, climate, one’s constitution, and current state is the best guide for healthy eating. If you have a Pitta constitution or Pitta...
Pitta Recipes
Pitta Recipes Ayurveda teaches that tuning into the seasons, climate, one’s constitution, and current state is the best guide for healthy eating. If you have a Pitta constitution or Pitta...

Pitta Food
If you’re a Pitta dosha type, you might be wondering what foods you should eat to keep your energies balanced. Use the guidelines below to learn the specific Pitta food...
Pitta Food
If you’re a Pitta dosha type, you might be wondering what foods you should eat to keep your energies balanced. Use the guidelines below to learn the specific Pitta food...

Pitta Skincare
Pitta Skincare Balancing the doshas on the level of the skin is a wonderful way to support your health. After all, the skin is your body’s largest organ! In particular,...
Pitta Skincare
Pitta Skincare Balancing the doshas on the level of the skin is a wonderful way to support your health. After all, the skin is your body’s largest organ! In particular,...

Pitta Diet
One of the easiest ways to maintain balance for your dosha is through your diet. For Pitta dosha types, this means embracing food, beverage and eating habits that bring balance...
Pitta Diet
One of the easiest ways to maintain balance for your dosha is through your diet. For Pitta dosha types, this means embracing food, beverage and eating habits that bring balance...

Pitta Morning Routine
How you begin your day can have a significant impact on how you feel throughout it. It is helpful for all people—regardless of their constitution—to develop some type of Ayurveda...
Pitta Morning Routine
How you begin your day can have a significant impact on how you feel throughout it. It is helpful for all people—regardless of their constitution—to develop some type of Ayurveda...

Pitta Season
According to Ayurveda, summer is considered Pitta season, where the solar force and energetic principles of fire and water are strong. Pitta season is characterized by its hot, sharp, fiery,...
Pitta Season
According to Ayurveda, summer is considered Pitta season, where the solar force and energetic principles of fire and water are strong. Pitta season is characterized by its hot, sharp, fiery,...

Pitta Tea Recipes
"A cup of tea is a cup of peace." Sushitsu Sen XV A cooling, nourishing Pitta tea is a great way to help bring the Pitta dosha into balance. Pitta...
Pitta Tea Recipes
"A cup of tea is a cup of peace." Sushitsu Sen XV A cooling, nourishing Pitta tea is a great way to help bring the Pitta dosha into balance. Pitta...

What Is a Pitta Imbalance?
According to Ayurveda, it's important to maintain balance. When a person's dosha becomes imbalanced, they may experience physical, mental and emotional health issues. That's why it's important to understand what...
What Is a Pitta Imbalance?
According to Ayurveda, it's important to maintain balance. When a person's dosha becomes imbalanced, they may experience physical, mental and emotional health issues. That's why it's important to understand what...