Ghee and Ghruta are remarkably beneficial, nourishing foods. With more people in the West learning about the benefits of ghee, you may wonder about ghee for babies. Is ghee as beneficial for babies as it is for adults? Let’s take a look at the benefits of ghee for babies, as well as when to introduce this nutritious food.

Benefits of Ghee for Babies

Ayurveda regards ghee as a nourishing food; it gives strength and luster. As part of one’s regular diet, it is considered a building, fortifying food. Specifically, ghee is rich in digestible, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. In addition, ghee is a source of antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, including Omega 3s, as well as trace minerals. Ghruta and ghee deliver essential nutrients to the body while softening and nourishing all tissues.

Childhood is a Time for Growth

It’s no secret that childhood is the time of life for growth. Since the early years are such an important time for laying down critical building blocks, getting good nutrition is essential during this time. You may notice that many small children are drawn to sweet foods whereas bitter foods are often an acquired taste. This is actually a healthy and natural instinct, as young children benefit from a higher proportion of nourishing versus purifying foods. In addition, healthy fats are essential for brain growth. Ghruta is an excellent fat for promoting healthy cognitive development.

Ghee for Babies: When and How Much?

Knowing how nourishing ghee is, you may wonder when it is safe to introduce to babies. You can begin to slowly introduce ghee to your baby when the baby is ready for solid foods, around 6 or 7 months old. However, since babies are much smaller and more sensitive than adults, a tiny bit will do. Begin by adding just a couple of drops of ghee to soft foods such as mashed, cooked vegetables or porridge. You can slowly increase the amount over time as the child matures. When choosing ghee, it is wise to choose high-quality ghee made from A2 cattle. Milk and ghee from A2 cows tend to be easier to digest than that of A1 cows. PIOR Living ghruta, for instance, is made from free-range, grass-fed, Indian Gir A2 cows. Also, since lactose and beta casein are removed in the process of making ghruta, lactose-intolerance or dairy intolerance is typically not an issue with ghee and ghruta.

Ghee Isn’t Just for Eating

In addition to eating, ghee works as a massage oil. A bit of gently warmed ghee can be nice to massage into your baby’s skin and feet. Giving your baby a gentle massage is a way to provide comforting, soothing touch and get them ready for sleep. Ghee is as good for babies and adults alike. Just remember that babies will tolerate a much smaller amount of ghee than grown-ups and of course, wait until your baby is ready to eat solid foods before introducing ghee.
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