Ayurveda holds ghee in high esteem for good reason. Ghee nourishes the brain, all bodily tissues, enkindles agni (digestive fire), builds ojas (vitality), and supports a healthy complexion. However, when selecting ghee there are many options to choose from; you may wonder how important it is to choose organic ghee. There are many reasons why organic ghee is a superior choice. When you purchase organic ghee from a trusted source, you are making a better decision for your health, the planet, and the animals that provided the milk that is eventually turned into ghee. Our Ghruta (a specially prepared ghee) is made from milk produced by free-range Indian Gir cows. You can be assured that the cows are not treated with hormones, nor is their food produced with chemicals and pesticides.

Organic Ghee Goes In Deep

One of the key functions of ghee and Ghruta is that it carries spices, herbs, and nutrients deep into the body’s cells and tissues. In fact, this is why Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend taking special herbal or spiced ghee. As one of my Ayurvedic teachers used to say, cells like fat. Lipids are a great way to get substances deep into the body. This is a great thing if you are imbibing beneficial Ayurvedic herbs and spices such as Triphala, turmeric, brahmi, or ashwagandha. Also, you want beneficial nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and Omega 3s to be transported deep into your cells. However, what if there are traces of synthetic hormones and pesticides and antibiotics in the ghee? Those are substances you probably don’t want getting into your cells. This is a major reason why choosing organic ghee and Ghruta matters.

Here are three great reasons to choose organic ghee and Ghruta. Organic ghee is...

  1. Typically higher in beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids than conventional products.
  2. More nutrient dense.
  3. Does not contain antibiotics or synthetic hormones, which are commonly administered to conventionally-raised cows.

Since ghee and Ghruta are deeply nourishing to the body and mind, it makes sense to choose a high-quality, organic ghee over a conventional product. Ayurveda views ghee as sattvic. This is more true when the ghee comes from a sattvic source. The manner in which the cows are treated, their conditions, and the food they consume, all make a huge difference as to whether or not the food is also rich in prana.

Time-Honored Tradition

PIOR Living makes its Ghruta with traditional, hand-crafted Ayurvedic kindling methods. This is done by first slowly culturing and separating the milk. Then, the resulting butter is further cultured, simmered and separated again. This method produces ghruta with the purest lipid molecules, making it far less likely to cause immunological reactions. By carefully crafting Ghruta from the milk of free-range Gir cows, we are honoring the time-honored tradition of incorporating ghee into Ayurvedic medicine. Wondering how to enjoy ghee or Ghruta? Spread it on your toast, add ghee to your coffee or tea, cook with it, or eat it right off the spoon!

Greta Kent-Stoll is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (NAMA), as well as a writer, editor, and Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Her Ayurveda practice is based in Asheville, North Carolina and she is the co-owner of Iyengar Yoga Asheville.

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