According to Ayurveda, your hair’s health is reflective of your general well-being. So, if you’re hoping to grow longer and stronger hair, it’s important to prioritize your overall health – but there are also specific areas you can focus on as well. Here’s what you need to know about achieving healthy hair growth through Ayurveda.

Understand Issues with Hair Growth

When there is dis-ease in the body, there is an issue with the system that needs attention. Hair loss is indicative of nutrient-deficiency in the body, and is a warning sign that one of these issues may be occurring:

  • Malabsorption of foods - this would affect the number of vitamins and minerals you may be missing in your diet
  • Nervous system stress - stress is one of the biggest issues with dis-ease and imbalance, and an upset nervous system affects numerous organ systems
  • Environmental factors - pollution, chemical products, and chemically altered foods can all cause issues in the body's natural functioning

Sometimes, hair loss is simply a result of a genetic disposition, which is often frustrating and can lead to more stress. Understanding that regardless of your natural dispositions, there are still plenty of factors you can control to help you promote healthy hair growth.

An Ayurvedic Diet for Hair Growth

Consuming sattvic, seasonal foods based on your dosha type is the first step for overall health and wellness, but it can also be helpful to nourish the asthi dhatu or bone tissue for healthy hair growth. Hair growth is a byproduct of the asthi dhatu so an Ayurvedic diet for hair growth should take this into consideration. Kesha sardhana and kesha vardhana refer to foods that are rich in the qualities (sweet, heavy, pungent) that help to increase strength in the asthi dhatu, as well as provide vitamins and minerals which promote hair growth:

  • Mung beans are packed full of essential vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber to promote a healthy functioning system and help hair growth. If you're looking to aid healthy hair growth, make kitchari with mung beans at least 2-3 times a week.
  • Ghruta ghee, is safe to consume every day, promotes long-term vitality, and is full of oleating properties that help organ function, including the absorption of nutrients.
  • Moringa leaves can be ingested in powder form in coconut milk or buttermilk, or the leaves can be added to stews or soups. Moringa helps to strengthen and nourish the asthi dhatu, as well as balance hormones, lower blood sugar, and is full of essential vitamins and minerals. It can also be used on the skin!
  • Coconut meat, milk, and oil are nourishing and balancing for all the dhatus, and its fatty acid content makes it a safe and delicious addition to your daily meals (or snacks) to replenish the tissues and promote hair growth.
  • Sesame and cumin seeds, together, provide a source of calcium and magnesium. Just a handful of sesame seeds contains your daily calcium intake, and a handful of cumin seeds gives you your daily magnesium intake.
  • Chyawanprash is filled with antioxidant and vitamin-rich elements that make it an essential daily food to promote healthy hair and nail growth. Just a spoonful in the morning can help you achieve the vitamin and mineral-rich diet needed to aid healthy and natural hair growth.
  • PIOR Living Hair is a hair supplement made from 100% organic and wild-harvested herbs and spices designed to stimulate new hair growth, support natural color retention and vibrancy, and improve shine.

Looking for even more ways to improve your hair health? Explore our Ayurvedic Hair Care Guide.

Ceanna Saatsaz, L.M.E., C.A.P., C.P.H.

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