Adaptogens List

Adaptogens List

Greta Kent-Stoll

Adaptogens are a wonderful, broad-spectrum category of herb that help your body and mind adapt to stress. As you will see in the following adaptogens list, some adaptogens are energizing,...

Adaptogens List

Greta Kent-Stoll

Adaptogens are a wonderful, broad-spectrum category of herb that help your body and mind adapt to stress. As you will see in the following adaptogens list, some adaptogens are energizing,...

woman drinking cup of tea with Best Herbs for Anti-Aging Skin

Best Herbs for Anti-Aging Skin

Greta Kent-Stoll

Beauty certainly is more than skin deep. Healthy, glowing skin is a reflection of wellness from the inside out. As you age, your concerns over maintaining smooth, radiant skin may...

Best Herbs for Anti-Aging Skin

Greta Kent-Stoll

Beauty certainly is more than skin deep. Healthy, glowing skin is a reflection of wellness from the inside out. As you age, your concerns over maintaining smooth, radiant skin may...


What's a Good Alternative to Black Tea?

Clare Michalik

Did you know that there are over 3,000 different types of teas in the world? And yet, black tea continues to be the most famous and popular tea in the...

What's a Good Alternative to Black Tea?

Clare Michalik

Did you know that there are over 3,000 different types of teas in the world? And yet, black tea continues to be the most famous and popular tea in the...

best ayurveda herbs for lungs

Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Lungs and Immunity

Clare Michalik

Do you ever pause and notice the incredible ability your body has in utilizing oxygen? We breathe air in and then our lungs produce it into energy to run our...

Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Lungs and Immunity

Clare Michalik

Do you ever pause and notice the incredible ability your body has in utilizing oxygen? We breathe air in and then our lungs produce it into energy to run our...

Ayurvedic Herbs for Energy

Ayurvedic Herbs for Energy

Clare Michalik

If you're struggling with fatigue and lethargy, you're not alone. These symptoms have become all too common in our fast-paced society. According to Ayurveda, low energy typically results from high...

Ayurvedic Herbs for Energy

Clare Michalik

If you're struggling with fatigue and lethargy, you're not alone. These symptoms have become all too common in our fast-paced society. According to Ayurveda, low energy typically results from high...

jar of herbs and adaptogens for energy

Adaptogens for Energy

Greta Kent-Stoll

Adaptogens are a classification of herbs that are becoming increasingly popular. These adaptable, versatile plant allies help your body and mind adapt to life's challenges. How do they do this?...

Adaptogens for Energy

Greta Kent-Stoll

Adaptogens are a classification of herbs that are becoming increasingly popular. These adaptable, versatile plant allies help your body and mind adapt to life's challenges. How do they do this?...

herbs on cutting board

Adaptogenic Tea Blend

Greta Kent-Stoll

We know that adaptogens are herbs that help us adapt to stress. Some adaptogens are energizing, some are calming, and some do both. It all depends on what you need....

Adaptogenic Tea Blend

Greta Kent-Stoll

We know that adaptogens are herbs that help us adapt to stress. Some adaptogens are energizing, some are calming, and some do both. It all depends on what you need....

cup of tea on saucer with roses

Ayurvedic Herbal Drinks

Greta Kent-Stoll

Whether it’s a spicy tea, a sweet and comforting golden milk, or tulsi chai, there are no shortage of delicious Ayurvedic herbal drinks. One of the wonderful things about Ayurveda...

Ayurvedic Herbal Drinks

Greta Kent-Stoll

Whether it’s a spicy tea, a sweet and comforting golden milk, or tulsi chai, there are no shortage of delicious Ayurvedic herbal drinks. One of the wonderful things about Ayurveda...

bowl of herbs

What Are Adaptogens?

Greta Kent-Stoll

Adaptogens are aptly named as they do just that—help your body adapt to stress. These botanicals can be both calming and energizing, depending on what your body needs in the...

What Are Adaptogens?

Greta Kent-Stoll

Adaptogens are aptly named as they do just that—help your body adapt to stress. These botanicals can be both calming and energizing, depending on what your body needs in the...