Rasayana herbs are an incredibly important part of Ayurvedic medicine. In Ayurveda, medicinal plants are divided into eight different categories - one of these being the rasayana shastra. The word literally means the path (ayana) by which the primordial plasma (rasa) travels. 

Ayurveda states that the primary waters of the body, or the rasa-dhatu, have a potent effect on the body's other dhatus, or tissues. This means that rasayanas would, by default, enhance the health of all tissues in the body. 

Rasayana herbs can generally be used over the long-term without the development of side effects. All of them provide impressive improvements in the areas of enhancing vitality, improving longevity, and warding off disease. Here are some of the most common and important rasayana herbs that you can find.


Ashwagandha is a potent rasayana herb that is making quite a name for itself. Ashwagandha translates to 'smell of a horse,' and also refers to the horse-like strength that the herb is believed to imbue. Ashwagandha has been proven to help fight oxidation, reduce inflammation, protect the brain, enhance libido, and improve cognitive ability.

Gotu Kola

Gotu kola is a very versatile herb that has adaptogenic qualities meaning it provides different effects in different circumstances. For example, it can modulate the immune system - meaning that it can boost it or suppress it - depending on what the situation is. It's also able to help enhance cognitive ability, reduce anxiety, and enhance longevity.


Haritaki is a powerful rasayana that works on all the doshas, and can be particularly balancing for vata. Har means 'to purify,' and thus named, haritaki is a medicine that can help purify the body by aiding in the elimination of wastes and cleaning the bowels. It can also help to improve vision, improve digestive comfort, and enhance the health of the kidneys and the liver.


Another potent rasayana herb that most of us are already familiar with is turmeric. This powerful herb, which is most commonly used as a food ingredient, has a number of potent health benefits. In addition to fighting oxidation and inflammation, turmeric has been shown to help ward off tumours, reduce pain associated with arthritis, and even alleviate depression.


Amalaki, also known as the gooseberry of the gods, is a powerful detoxifying and cleansing agent. ‘A’ means ‘not’ in Sanksrit and mala means 'impurities,' and thus this rasayana fruit is said to eliminate all impurities. It can strengthen the nerves, the bones, and the senses while helping eliminate toxins in the blood and brain. It has some of the highest concentration of vitamin C found in a naturally occurring plant. 

Bacopa (Brahmi)

With leaves shaped like a brain, Bacopa Monnieri aka Brahmi is the most magical herb for the nervous system and cognitive functioning. The name Brahmi, is said to derive from Brahma, Lord of the Universe, which gives some hint of the potency of this herb. It also acts as a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as being a mood enhancer and meditation-aid. 


If you're interested in incorporating rasayana herbs into your daily diet, you may want to look into Chyawanprash. Chyawanprash is considered the foremost and best rasayana. It contains many of the aforementioned herbs, including ashwagandha and amalaki, as well as Ghruta ghee, which acts as a catalytic agent to deliver the nutrients deeper into the body.
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